> Not so.. in the political process you have a vote and your representatives.

In a market process, I have much, much more than that.

I have hundreds of development companies to choose from for a home in my area 
and no less than 8 different grocery stores chains/companies, who all want my 
business.  They all compete with one another on price, quality, value and a 
pleasant shopping experience, to one degree or another.  I can choose to use, 
or not to use, any of them.

My representatives only compete for my vote every 2 years, maximum.  The 
incumbency reelection rate in this country averages around 96%, meaning that 
96% of the incumbents are reelected every time they run.   Even then, I can't 
recall the last time the person I voted for, won.  I'm stuck with the winner 
for better or worse, usually worse.

You call that competition?  Do you honestly think they care what I think?

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