Now here I totally agree with you. But we, the government, is mostly the problem. We make new laws on knee jerk reactions. We rarely take old laws off the books. Corporations constantly want more and more for their work force $, and we seem to feel it's our responsibility to give it to them while COEs are making hundreds of millions of $ in bonuses. We have to blame ourselves because we're letting them do it. On the healthcare issue, I'm for providing for everyone. However I'm totally against the insurance industry. Do I realistically think there's anything I can do about that? No. I had mentioned before that I have congestive heart failure. After being diagnosed I paid all my medical bills and prescriptions myself. I didn't mind. I've always thought if you need something you pay for it. It wasn't till 4 years later and put in the ICU that some lady filled out a bunch of paperwork for me and now I get SSI and Washington STATE pays all my medical bills. I'm not going to complain. I didn't realize they would do that, but now that they are my money gets filtered into the economy in different areas. Regardless of who gets it, sooner or later it's going to end up there and not in my pocket. Why, because I like THINGS.

Jeff Miles

Join my Mafia

On Sep 9, 2009, at 4:45 AM, Jeff Wright wrote:

        We ain't govmuent then whats be we? I don't work in a labor camp.
not forced into an army. Hell I'm not even made to feed the chickens.
Damn, how did this govment I'm not a part of get so out of control?

        By the way, next time you feel we aren't all the government, lets
what happens when no one votes. Then we're talking revolution.

Every year we work longer and longer to pay the guvmint our tax burden and every year we become less free as more laws are passed that restrict our
freedom just a little bit more than last year.

At this point, you're in the pot and think the water temperature is just
fine.  You won't think anything is wrong until the soup's done.

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