The title says what? 89 people were polled and those who were interested in whoever was doing the polling were against healthcare?

Jeff Miles

Join my Mafia

On Sep 7, 2009, at 1:38 PM, mike wrote:

Dueling links?

The title says it.

On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 12:07 PM, Jordan <> wrote:

I hate to throw cold water on all this fun, but wasting time talking about all this fear and straw men is just what the right wing wants you to do. That little video posted a while back is enough for any rational person to
get the picture.
The public is overwhelmingly for single payer.
If congress does anything but work toward putting together a strong single
payer plan then they've let the wingers win.
It's fear vs. facts. wrote:

On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 8:33 AM, Fred Holmes<> wrote:

If you drive the drug companies out of business, then the government will have to manufacture current drugs and develop new ones. Will they do a
better job of it?  Unlikely!

For what it is worth, Cuba has one of the best, if not the overall
best health care system in the world.  Check out the world's health
statistics and see for yourself. Marcio can speak to this issue I am

Cuba is one poor as hell nation, and the Cuban health care system is
government run, yet is at the top of the "A" list worldwide.
Socialist? Yes. Works extremely well overall? Yes. Far lower child death rate than here in the United States? By far. All citizens get
health care?  Absolutely.

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