> > Sounds like paradise.  Why aren't you living there?
>   I was just waiting for the old "love it or leave it" bullshit to
> start.  Why can't an intelligent and respectful conversation take
> place without descending into the pit of old worn out saws such as
> that?

Really?  You saw love or leave it in there?  I asked you a simple question,
to which you read a great deal into that wasn't there.  If it's that great,
why aren't you living there?  Could there be other reasons you aren't?

>   Why don't you go on the internet, or seek the information anywhere
> you choose to, to discover how abysmal the overall health care in the
> United States really is, especially when viewed in light of our
> extreme financial wealth?

I have, many times.  Yes, we spend more on health care.  We also spend more
on many other things as well things, compared to countries such as France
and Germany.

>   Does our government lie and distort the truth?  Does our current
> administration lie and distort the truth?  Did our most recent
> previous administration lie and distort the truth, or is such the sole
> provence of Cuba or any other nation that is not our own?  Please stop
> this silliness.

Where did I suggest that our own govt doesn’t lie?  Everyone is doing so
that makes it OK? 

I'm being silly?  Please.

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