I'm amazed that those against health care options don't see the insurance companies as death panels. Because Sarah says it they're quick to jump on the idea when it comes to a federal health option, but seeing their own insurance companies as doing the same? Hand over the head motion here.

Jeff Miles

Join my Mafia

On Sep 8, 2009, at 9:02 PM, t.piwowar wrote:

On Sep 7, 2009, at 5:47 PM, Steve at Verizon wrote:
And the ones who will choose choice will be the employers, dumping their health care, and then you, the employee, will have only one choice, the public option. That is what is happening in Massachusetts; the employers would rather pay the penalty for not providing health insurance.

Here in DC there are mandates on insurance companies that require provision of reasonable insurance at reasonable rates to DC citizens. As a DC-based employer I cannot get coverage that is as good and as affordable for my employees. Unfortunately, all my staff does not live in DC. If they did, you bet I would stop providing coverage. Anyone who would call that "dumping their health care" would be a jerk.

There is no honor in enriching insurance company managers who earn their $100,000,000 salaries by pronouncing death sentences on the sick, the poor, and the crippled. I guess they insist on being rewarded in this world to compensate for the torment they will surely suffer in the next.

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