And the ones who will choose choice will be the employers, dumping their health care, and then you, the employee, will have only one choice, the public option. That is what is happening in Massachusetts; the employers would rather pay the penalty for not providing health insurance.

And, as I pointed out earlier, the more folks are government insured, the surge in baby boom Medicare, as well as a large public option, the less provider reimbursement will come from private insurers which compensate for the losses from government reimbursement.

And, of course, private insurers can't compete with a government run public plan. A private business cannot operate at a loss, the way a government subsidized entity can (like the USPS and Amtrak).
Marcio wrote:
Whjy are you afraid of a choice between the private insurers and a government 
program? I said: choice.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Wright <>
Sent: Sep 7, 2009 3:49 PM
Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

This is one subspecialty that is also elective surgery.  Now say the
same thing about cardiac stints, hernia surgery etc.
Yes, I understand that.  It's one of the better analogs for demonstrating
that the medical industry can deliver quality care with cost awareness.  Why
wouldn't it work for cardiac stents, hernias, tonsils, etc?
It wouldn't work very well for time-sensitive/emergency care or for critical
care situations such as cancer treatment, but there is a world of medicine
where price can and should matter.

We can reform health care the smart way, as proposed by Mackey and
illustrated in the article you linked with truly innovative ideas, or the
dumb way, with price controls, massive budget deficits and a very high
probability of rationing with nowhere else to turn.

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