Verizon is selling some multi band phones for that purpose.

I did and I plan on it.

I am dumping my PDA and will end up with a Netbook.  Much more useful.


At 08:18 PM 10/28/2009, you wrote:
Wow Stewart, you almost achieved superstardom with your "OK first off you are an ignorant philistine." Great! Not so good here.

Apple wanted worldwide sales for the iPhone. Verizon doesn't do GSM, but Apple wanted them to do that to get the iPhone. Verizon doesn't get the iPhone without GSM. I might want it wth my T-Mo account, but special features disappear when the phone's unlocked. AT&T set up a lot of special features as part of the contract.

So get something else and use a Touch, or not. What's the big deal? It's only a phone.

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