You mean this is about as entertaining as listening to Limbaugh?


At 08:44 PM 11/1/2009, you wrote:
Yes we know David Pogue as the AFB he is.  The last word on that moto cliq
even resorts to...being completely misleading if not lying.  Only 2 gigs of
storage she exclaims!   This of course referring to the 2 gigs of storage
included in the phone which is expandable to 32.  I'm sure this was left out
on accident and not for any other reason.  This seems to be more about Pogue
losing some cred than about those phones.  I can't say I'll expect any
serious reviews from him.

BTW, any mongoloid who buys a phone they have never looked at, never read
about, never used and doesn't know the network it's running on deserves
every bit of aggrevation they get.  What was it first?  CNN fact checking
SNL and now Tom leaving this link as if it has even one valid point to
make.  Pure entertainment and should be watched as such.  And only when very

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