Good stuff David, I too am on CDMA and have that limitation which sucks.

The 256 is an android problem and is on every android phone out there, has
nothing to do with this being on verizon or being the moto droid phone.
I've read some about this and have not seen anything regarding anti piracy,
more concerns about removing the card when stuff is running from it.
Theoretically, if someone would build an android phone with more internal
memory like an iphone, all of it could be used for installs, as it stands
the android is weak on internal memory which limits apps that can be
installed, and the iphone is useless for external memory for expansion.
This comes down to personal taste, if you are buying a phone soley for the
apps, you won't be buying an android phone anyway.

If you won't be missing any apps from iphone, then there is no reason to not
look at this phone except it's on verizon and I'm sure they will charge for
things like enabling the GPS chip as they do in their other phones.  With
the specs of this phones screen and it's CPU power, motorola should have
built in some killer media apps, big mistake IMO that they didn't.
Personally If I was with Verizon I'd wait for the sub 100 dollar eris, a
solid upper mid range phone although without the physical keyboard.

On Sun, Nov 1, 2009 at 3:03 PM, David K Watson <>wrote:

> Since Mike is so desperate to find out what the Droid can't do
> that the iPhone can, here's two:
> Because the Droid is built for Verizon's mostly CDMA network, you
> don't have simultaneous data and voice. So you can't for example
> do a web search for restaurants while making dinner plans with your
> caller, or find a map while also getting verbal help.
> You can only install 256MB of applications on the dedicated
> hardwired flash memory and can't install them on the memory card.
> This is isn't a general android problem or hardware limitation, but
> is an imposed "security"/anti-piracy restriction specifically on the
> Droid.  So this is another reason you won't have a tomtom app
> with it's gigabytes of maps.  The iPhone limits you to 2GB for a
> single app, and the phone's entire capacity for all apps, I
> believe.
> It may be a good phone for its currently known limitations (and the
> future ones that Verizon will inevitably impose on it), but it is
> definitely
> over-hyped by Google's fans (GFBs?) and Apple-haters.
>  From:    mike <>
>> Subject: Re: It's monotheist versus pagan (It's a Windows Mobile killer)
>> Finally Tom gives us an answer.
>> This one of those things like not including cut/paste in the first couple
>> iPhone os's that makes users wonder what is going on. From forums on the
>> web
>> this looks like moto dropped the ball on this one since the hardware as
>> well
>> as android support multitouch. Multitouch does exist in the droid phone,
>> just not where most want it most I think...the web browser.
>> On Oct 31, 2009 6:58 PM, "tjpa" <> wrote:
>> The truth appears in driblets...
>> "multitouch, which the Droid doesn't do"
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