For every horror story of Walmart I can tell you good stories.

A lot has to do with local management.

Are they a white knight?  no.  Are they the Black Prince no.

They are a corporation like many corporations. Has what Apple done by recoding some of their software to lock out competitors hardware ethical?

I know the local manager and he and his store are quite generous.

The Local Walmart has pumped a lot of money into the local area, as we pump a lot of money into the local Walmart.

They are THE grocery store in town. We have two smaller ones (of which I frequent one of them) Winn Dixie closed shop as they were so poorly run they had to close a lot of stores. (Corporate not local) We have had that problem with grocery stores for a long time. (Kmart closed shop, Food Land closed shop, all due to corporate mismanagement)

I just think a lot of demonization is done about Walmart that is way off base.

We live in a global economy and a global market. Too many retailers take the attitude that if it worked 50 years ago it will work today. Too many of them do not know how to retail and they do not belong in business.

I shop a lot of local retailers But some of them I simply cannot afford. The local Men's shop is one. I cannot afford his inflated prices ($80 dress pants) and shop elsewhere.

I shop the local Hardware store but when you look for parts and cant find them you end up at the Big Box retailer.

I feel quite ethical shopping at the local Walmart. It gives jobs to a lot of folks around her, plus my son-in-law.


At 09:25 AM 11/3/2009, you wrote:
Well, Walmart management did lock people in their stores and force
them to work without pay. (I'm not making this up, unfortunately;
it's well substantiated in  court cases.)  This is far short of
killing fields, but it isn't cool.

And just because something doesn't kill you outright doesn't mean
that it is essentially harmless.  Walmart is justly famous for
killing off small town business districts and wiping out local small- business entrepreneurs. And their policy of demanding the lowest
possible price from their suppliers is a big factor in exporting jobs
from the U.S. to China.

As a lot more people are now finding out, your chances of getting the
necessities of life--including a place to sleep indoors, and medical
care when you need it--are just not that good if you don't have a job
or a viable small business.  (OK, maybe you can make it to the
emergency room if you have a medical crisis, but often it's far too
late by the time you get there.)

--Constance Warner

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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