Well, actually, that's NOT what Tom said. He said that, by the standard that ONLY the person who actually fires the gun is guilty, Pol Pot isn't guilty, because he had a hired corps of murderers to do his killing for him.

Tom's main point was that any participant along the chain of evil events shares the guilt; so BOTH Pol Pol AND his cruel assassins are evil.

Anyway, that's why a lot of us find it problematic when corporations and politicians embrace courses of actions that, in the end, result in really bad outcomes for a lot of people. For example, there are pretty substantial stats that 3,000 people die from lack of insurance every three months--that's four 9/11's per year. What does this say about the efforts of the insurance industry and certain politicians to scuttle insurance reform bills in Congress? They aren't equivalent to Osama Bin Laudin, but are they entirely innocent?

Another example: I recently met a woman at the bus stop who had a broken wrist similar to mine. I had surgery, and my wrist healed perfectly. This woman's insurance wouldn't pay for her surgery. She has a permanently crippled hand and constant pain; she will never work again. (Given her level of education, there are no jobs she could be hired for that don't require the use of two hands.) She may well die early because of poverty and ongoing complications of her injury. Was the insurance company's refusal to pay for her surgery, equivalent to Pol Pot's conduct? No. Was it right? What they did to her was entirely legal, and they had a pretty good idea of what would happen to her if they refused.

Evil?  You be the judge.

--Constance Warner

P.S.: it would be nice if we could pay for our own surgery, but when I had a very simple broken wrist, the cost of repairing it was more than I earned last year.
On Nov 3, 2009, at 12:20 PM, mike wrote:

I never gave a set of standards, Tom, but then you know that. And I'm not surprised a leftist like you would consider Pot free of evil, the track
record for progressives embracing guys like this are abundant.

On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 10:07 AM, tjpa <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:

By your standards I don't know that Pol Pot would have been considered evil. He merely gave the orders. Other people followed them so the evil is
on those other people, not on Pol Pot.

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