I do not buy my dress pants at Walmart either.

But it is a BS comparison.

A decent pair of dress pants will run between 30-55.00

I used to work clothing retail and the mark up is awful.

Plus what is not stated is very often they are made at the same plant on the same line just with a few different labels.

Is that Ralph Lauren Polo shirt really worth 70?

I can buy a comparable quality shirt at Lands End for 29.


At 12:14 PM 11/3/2009, you wrote:

Walmart dress pants $20. Material disintegrates in 2 years so pants
are no longer useable.

Men's shop dress pants $80. After 10 years of heavy use still look good.

It is just like the Mac vs. PC comparison.

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace www.princeofpeaceozark.org
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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