Pogue says...

"Still, the Droid’s multitasking pays off in two situations: when you want to listen to Internet radio while you work in other apps, and when you’re switching between programs a lot. Since they’re already open, you don’t have to wait for them to start up again with each switch."

The Motorola Droid, Latest Entry in the ‘App Phone’ Races

I ask Pogue:

1) Is it really a good idea to listen to Internet radio on a cell phone? That's quite an expensive radio.

2) How many apps can I expect to have running at once? Even though I have multi-GB of RAM in my desktop computer I still see a noticeable delay what I have too much open at once and the computer has to page in memory for an application before I can use it. So even on my multi- tasking desktop that are definite limits to multi-tasking.

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