Oh, please. He said it has the same legal status AS a religion (or a philosophy). He didn't say that it IS a religion (or a philosophy). Someone tell me this wasn't intentional.

We can expect Fox News and the New York Post to deliberately misrepresent issues in headlines. It's Murdoch's M.O. However, the lack of qualified editors and proofreaders at other venues leads to accidentally misleading headlines like "Woman Attacked by Chimp on Oprah Show" instead of "Oprah's Guest: Woman Attacked by Chimp" or "Chimp-Attack Survivor on Oprah Show." Test-based education, instead of learning and problem solving based education has led to the decline in critical thinking to the point that too many writers and readers don't know the language well enough to be able to proof headers and copy.

Takes all the fun out of writing headlines, like the one by a top editor who had to fill in to write obituaries at the Sun. For an obit of a man from the town of Secretary, Maryland, he wrote, "Man Dies in Secretary." Can't write teaser headlines any more for children's programs where they're assigned to pretend to be different animals; headline was "Children are animals" as a teaser. Too many people object to their children being called animals. Could be a Fox headline. Could be a real news headline. Teasers are confused with insults by readers who don't "get" nuance and double entendres any more.

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