On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 1:08 PM, mike <xha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Weren't there stories from NY and other metro areas of people getting mugged
> specifically because they had white earbuds and thus the most expensive mp3
> player on the market?

  Yes.  Bling envy.  No great dollar value involved, just bling for
braggarts.  Would that those who mugged to get one got mugged for that
device themselves a bit later on.

  A close friend got emails from three of her friends wherein they
related Christmas gifts they had gotten this year.  Two boasted of an
iPod Touch, and one of an iPod.  Nothing else mentioned.  Just those
items, as if you got one of those you had reached the pinnacle of gift
reception.  And these were full blown adults.  Stupid.


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