Reasonable being the highest price on the market...

On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 12:38 PM, tjpa <> wrote:

> On Jan 6, 2010, at 2:06 PM, wrote:
>> A close friend got emails from three of her friends wherein they
>> related Christmas gifts they had gotten this year.  Two boasted of an
>> iPod Touch, and one of an iPod.  Nothing else mentioned.  Just those
>> items, as if you got one of those you had reached the pinnacle of gift
>> reception.  And these were full blown adults.  Stupid.
> What? You think that somebody who got a Zune is going to brag about it? You
> are so out of touch.
> It is rare when the very best can be bought for such a reasonable price. No
> surprise at all that it is a gift that makes someone happy.
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