On Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 3:55 PM, phartz...@gmail.com <phartz...@gmail.com>wrote:

>  Drawing problem: You need to draw some text, freehand, into a box
> that is 1/4 inch high by 2 inches long.  Better results using a finger
> or using a fine stylus?
I don't know if you realize it, but you are arguing for a large set of
stylus/styli, just as an artist would have a large set of brushed for
different purposes.

You need:

  - a range of stiffness, from soft and bendy to fairly solid
  - a range of fineness, from blunt to superfine


What others are arguing, is that the physical nature of painting with a
brush, or drawing with a range of pens and pencils, can be duplicated using
a computer to change the characteristics of the single drawing implement you

And therefore, the implement doesn't matter that much.

You need something 5 microns away from something else?  Change the scale to
be microns or sub-microns and draw it that way.  (Substitute inches or
millimeters or whatever you want for microns.)

Unless your fingers are, like Homer Simpson's, too fat to dial the phone.

P.S.  Your only real hope to convince someone is to say "I don't like using
X, I like using Y, and there is nothing else to say."

P.P.S.  Especially when there are artists who draw very detailed drawings on
an iPhone with their fingers.

John DeCarlo, My Views Are My Own

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