Am 14.05.2013 16:17, schrieb Tomasz Bursztyka:
Hi Simon,

I am not completely aware of P2P stuff, so some of my comments might be

Attached to this mail are three
patches which outline the needed modifications to support group
formation (with GO
negotiation and autonoumous group support). It would be great if you
can take a look at
the patches and tell me what you think about the proposal. I tried to
not break the API in
any part and to build upon existing things.

Technolgy and Service part looks ok to me.
The group thing looks complicated: a lot to do in user side.
Wouldn't it be possible simplify it? (default group, etc...)
It might even be wise to solve the simplest use case of p2p, so without
such group interface.

A group needs a least one group owner. Thats called a autonoumous group. Peers can connect to a exiting group or connect to another peer to form a new group. So every time you have the abstraction of having a group and have to maintain it.

Btw, in case a connman device get's invited to connect: how would it be
handled? It probably requires agent stuff here.

One thing which is missing is the service discovery functional. I am
not sure wether this
is something which belongs into connman or should be better provided
by some other

Underlying wifi daemon (wpa_supplicant) should handle that. I don't know
how much wpa_supplicant supports about P2P though.

Service discovery is implemented in wpa_supplicant but you have to use it. You can register services through wpa_supplicant which can be found by other peers to start a service discovery request to find services of other peers. wpa_supplicant has a quite good documentation on this at [1].



Simon Busch -
connman mailing list

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