I've put together a dance with stars, orbits, shifting waves and Rorys, but no 
planets (circles). Here it is:

Aurora O’More
Peter Foster 19 May 2024

A1 (8) Rights and lefts
   (8) Left hand star
A2 (8) Women allemande left once around WHILE men turn out and orbit clockwise 
halfway to short wavy lines (right hand with neighbour)
   (8) Balance right and left, then Rory O'More slide right
B1 (8) Balance again, then pass through to a new wavy line (left hand to new 
neighbour, men right hands in the middle)
   (8) Balance left and right, then Rory O'More slide left
B2 (8) Allemande right just halfway, then men allemande left once around WHILE 
women orbit clockwise halfway
   (8) Swing partner

I tried it last night and it went fairly well. Some people were not very 
familiar with the orbit move, which resulted in 
some interesting scrambles. 

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