Yes, the allemande in B2 is a bit tight. The allemande 1/2 is actually  less than 4 beats, and the momentum helps launch the women into the orbit. There were some scrambles there, but there were actually more scrambles in the in the first orbit, when the men were a bit slow to
turn out. It was certainly interesting to watch.


On 23/05/2024 2:39 pm, Jonathan Sivier via Contra Callers wrote:
Allemande 1 1/2 in 8 beats is certainly possible, though doing half with one person and once around with a different person probably makes the timing a bit trickier than 1 1/2 with the same person.  However, I think the timing of the orbits halfway in 4 beats is also tricky, assuming 4 beats for the allemande halfway.  Typically 8 beats are allowed for this move since the orbiters need to make a larger diameter circle than would they would if they were just doing a regular circle, since there are dancers doing an allemande inside the circle.  So though circling halfway would usually be 4 beats, orbiting halfway in the same amount of time will be challenging.

Jonathan Sivier
Caller of Contra, Square, English and Early American Dances
Dance Page:
Q: How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
A: It depends on what dance you call!

On 5/22/2024 11:28 PM, Alex Burka via Contra Callers wrote:
Allemande 1 1/2 is only 8 counts!

On Thu, May 23, 2024 at 12:03 AM Joe Harrington via Contra Callers < <>> wrote:


    Sorry to nitpick, but how did the B2 go?  It appears there are 12 counts in the first half of B2 (allemande 1 1/2 = 12 counts).  Are you encouraging them just to cheat in the extra beats by doing the allemandes faster?  Did that create the scrambles?


    On Wed, May 22, 2024 at 8:47 AM Peter Foster via Contra Callers < <>> wrote:

        I've put together a dance with stars, orbits, shifting waves and Rorys, but no planets (circles). Here it is:

        Aurora O’More
        Peter Foster 19 May 2024

        A1 (8) Rights and lefts
            (8) Left hand star
        A2 (8) Women allemande left once around WHILE men turn out and orbit clockwise halfway to short wavy lines (right hand with neighbour)
            (8) Balance right and left, then Rory O'More slide right
        B1 (8) Balance again, then pass through to a new wavy line (left hand to new neighbour, men right hands in the middle)
            (8) Balance left and right, then Rory O'More slide left
        B2 (8) Allemande right just halfway, then men allemande left once around WHILE women orbit clockwise halfway
            (8) Swing partner

        I tried it last night and it went fairly well. Some people were not very familiar with the orbit move, which resulted in
        some interesting scrambles.

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