On Fri, Feb 01, 2002 at 10:04:30AM +0100, Miguel Beccari wrote:
> 1) installation do NOT let me choose reiserfs as default filesystem (I 
> choosed the old ext2, which is that i do not want)

Known issue.  Will be fixed in 8.2.

> 2) the kernel 2.4.4 has got no drivers for 2940U2W Adaptec

I believe this was an error on Stew's part.  I'm not sure if it's
corrected in the security update kernel but I'm positive he's fixed the
support for 8.2

> 1) First of all I tried to install from updates a new kernel (2.4.8). I 
> am experienced with rpms, so I preferred to manually upgrade packages.
> No error was found in the upgrade, except a /usr/local/boot//mkinitrd 
> not found.

This is "normal" for this update.  No issue here.

> No problems, I run mkinitrd manually, take a look at /etc/yaboot.conf, 
> /boot, and /lib/modules, typed /sbin/ybin -v (that is - I suppose - the 
> same I do with lilo -v).

Sorta ybin also updates the bootstrap as well as the "MBR".

> At the reboot the error was:
> Ooop: kernel access of bad area. Sig 11.
> Kernel Panic (rebooting in 180 secs).

I've never see this maybe Stew has some thoughts on this.

> 3) I am not sure about the use of yaboot. Maybe I fail something. I am 
> experienced with x86 machines and lilo or grub, but PPC is a new world.
> So I installed from the 8.0PPC the 2.2.19 kernel.
> No errors of course, but at the reboot a new problem: the screen stops 
> at the word "booting..."

Some machines work with 2.2 and refuse to work 2.4 or vice versa.  PPC
hardware is well very proprietary and support for it is often broken by
proprietary changes.  Apple is so great in not giving us info on the

> 4) So, up to now I am thinking to upgrade the gcc too, and recompile 
> from src.rpms the very last kernel. but the big question is:
> What is going wrong with my upgrades ?
> yaboot ?
> kernels ?

I don't see anything that gives me the impression your yaboot is wrong.
Thought it would be helpful if you posted your yaboot.conf file here.
But it really shounds like a kernel issue.  And for that I'll defer to
Stew our "expert". :)


What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless,
whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism
or the holy name of liberty and democracy? - Ghandi

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