----- Original Message -----
From: "Anne et Bertrand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 6:04 PM
Subject: Re: kernel upgrade failures (long reading)

> > 2) Then I downloaded the lastest kernel binaries for ppc from Cooker
> > (2.4.17-8). I upgraded a lot of packages (as glibc, iniscripts, bash,
> > setup, perl, rpm) and then - with no errors - I installed the kernel
> > packages.
> >
> > At the reboot the problem was the same:
> >
> > Ooop: kernel access of bad area. Sig 11.
> > Kernel Panic (rebooting in 180 secs).
> >
> I'm using Mdk8.0 with cooker packages.
> I tried 2.4.8, 2.4.14, 2.4.15, 2.4.16, 2.4.17 that I compiled from
> kernel.org
> sources.
> I found no way to have it run properly on my 603e ppc (yes, this is old

As this mailing list ansered me: Oop: kernel error is a compilation mistake
of ppc packages.

Infact I updated from lastest cooker src.rpms the folling: rpm, libbinutils,
fileutils, findutils, mkinitrd, sgml-tools, ghostscript.

Then I downloaded kernel-

I did some few hacks to make it works on mdk ppc and now - ladies and
gentlemen -...

[root@serverg3 SRPMS]# uname -a
Linux serverg3 2.4.17-MACINTOSH #1 ven feb 1 17:54:50 CET 2002 ppc unknown

But the really good thing (for me):

[root@serverg3 SRPMS]# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by    Not tainted
af_packet              15416   0  (autoclean)
serial                 63656   0  (autoclean)
bmac                   13220   1  (autoclean)
mesh                   17492   0  (unused)
aic7xxx               163972   0  (unused)
sd_mod                 13244   0  (unused)

So... Yes! I have aic7xxx driver now and I can see my seagate big hard


Miguel Beccari

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