Le Vendredi 1 Février 2002 12:04, vous avez écrit :
> Ben Reser wrote:
> > On Fri, Feb 01, 2002 at 10:04:30AM +0100, Miguel Beccari wrote:
> >>1) installation do NOT let me choose reiserfs as default filesystem (I
> >>choosed the old ext2, which is that i do not want)
> >
> > Known issue.  Will be fixed in 8.2.
> Very well.
> At this point my obvious questio is: when 8.2 ppc is planned to come out
> ? ;)

Just after the the 8.2 for x86 answer me a Mandrake's develloper.
I think in 1 or 2 month. 

> >>2) the kernel 2.4.4 has got no drivers for 2940U2W Adaptec
> >
> > I believe this was an error on Stew's part.  I'm not sure if it's
> > corrected in the security update kernel but I'm positive he's fixed the
> > support for 8.2
> I see that in 2.4.8-31.3mdk (the last update avaiable) have not got it.
> But I can see it in 2.4.17-8mdk (so I am planning to compile this one)
> >>1) First of all I tried to install from updates a new kernel (2.4.8). I
> >>am experienced with rpms, so I preferred to manually upgrade packages.
> >>No error was found in the upgrade, except a /usr/local/boot//mkinitrd
> >>not found.
> >
> > This is "normal" for this update.  No issue here.
> OK
> >>No problems, I run mkinitrd manually, take a look at /etc/yaboot.conf,
> >>/boot, and /lib/modules, typed /sbin/ybin -v (that is - I suppose - the
> >>same I do with lilo -v).
> >
> > Sorta ybin also updates the bootstrap as well as the "MBR".
> So maybe OK.
> My yaboot.conf is:
> [root@serverg3 root]# cat /etc/yaboot.conf
> #yaboot.conf - generated by DrakX
> init-message="\nBenvenuto in Linux Mandrake PPC!\n"
> boot=/dev/hda7
> ofboot=hd:7
> delay=30
> timeout=50
> install=/usr/local/lib/yaboot/yaboot
> magicboot=/usr/local/lib/yaboot/ofboot
> enablecdboot
> enableofboot
> defaultos=linux
> default=linux
> nonvram
> image=hd:8,/boot/vmlinuz
>       label=linux
>       root=/dev/hda8
>       read-only
> image=hd:8,/boot/vmlinuz-2.4.8-31.3mdk
>          label=linux2.4.8
>       root=/dev/hda8
>       read-only
> image=hd:8,/boot/vmlinuz-2.4.17-8mdk
>          label=linux2.4.17
>       root=/dev/hda8
>       initrd=hd:8,/boot/initrd-2.4.17-8mdk.img
>       read-only
> image=hd:8,/boot/vmlinuz-2.2
>       label=linux22
>       root=/dev/hda8
>       initrd=hd:8,/boot/initrd-2.2.img
>       read-only
> image=hd:8,/boot/vmlinuz
>       label=failsafe
>       root=/dev/hda8
>       append=" failsafe"
>       read-only
> macos=hd:6
> My /boot is:
> [root@serverg3 root]# ls /boot/
> config@                        System.map-2.2.19-14mdksecure
> config-2.4.17-8mdk             System.map-2.2.20-6mdk
> config-2.4.4-6.2mdk            System.map-2.4.17-8mdk
> config-2.4.8-31.3mdk           System.map-2.4.4-6.2mdk
> initrd-2.2.19-14mdksecure.img  System.map-2.4.8-31.3mdk
> initrd-2.2.20-6mdk.img         vmlinuz@
> initrd-2.2.img@                vmlinuz-2.2@
> initrd-2.4.17-8mdk.img         vmlinuz-2.2.19-14mdksecure*
> initrd.img@                    vmlinuz-2.2.20-6mdk*
> kernel.h@                      vmlinuz-2.4.17-8mdk*
> kernel.h-2.4.4-6.2mdk          vmlinuz-2.4.4-6.2mdk*
> message                        vmlinuz-2.4.8-31.3mdk*
> System.map@
> and my modules are:
> [root@serverg3 root]# ls /lib/modules/
> 2.2.19-14mdksecure/  2.4.17-8mdk/   2.4.4-6.2mdk.tar.bz2
> 2.2.20-6mdk/         2.4.4-6.2mdk/  2.4.8-31.3mdk/
> >>At the reboot the error was:
> >>Ooop: kernel access of bad area. Sig 11.
> >>Kernel Panic (rebooting in 180 secs).
> >
> > I've never see this maybe Stew has some thoughts on this.
> This error appens with 2.4.17-8mdk, 2.4.8-31.3mdk.
> >>3) I am not sure about the use of yaboot. Maybe I fail something. I am
> >>experienced with x86 machines and lilo or grub, but PPC is a new world.
> >>So I installed from the 8.0PPC the 2.2.19 kernel.
> >>No errors of course, but at the reboot a new problem: the screen stops
> >>at the word "booting..."
> >
> > Some machines work with 2.2 and refuse to work 2.4 or vice versa.  PPC
> > hardware is well very proprietary and support for it is often broken by
> > proprietary changes.  Apple is so great in not giving us info on the
> > hardware.
> OK. This information is useful: I will not try to use
> 2.2.19-14mdksecure, 2.2.20-6mdk, or other 2.2
> >>4) So, up to now I am thinking to upgrade the gcc too, and recompile
> >>from src.rpms the very last kernel. but the big question is:
> >>
> >>What is going wrong with my upgrades ?
> >>yaboot ?
> >>kernels ?
> >
> > I don't see anything that gives me the impression your yaboot is wrong.
> > Thought it would be helpful if you posted your yaboot.conf file here.
> > But it really shounds like a kernel issue.  And for that I'll defer to
> > Stew our "expert". :)
> Maybe is a kernel issue, so news from me will come after the 2.4.17
> compilation.
> Best Regards,
> Miguel Beccari
> PS: TNX for quick answers ;)

Olivier Thauvin-CNRS Service Aeronomie
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