On Sun, 3 Mar 2002 20:36:41 +1100 (EST)
"Nick Texidor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yeehaaaa!!
> Got the modem working!!  Ok, originally, it was appearing in dmesg as the
> serial driver, after adding the macserial line to the modules.conffile and 
>modprobing, the Internal Modem message appeared.
> However, kppp still said it couldn't find the modem.  After reading
> through the kpp help doco, I found the reference to the pre- and post-initdelays.  
>These both default to 50.  I messed around with these a bit, and
> found that when I set them to 100, the modem suddenly started to bedetected.
> So I'm not connecting though 8.2 and kppp!!
> One thing I did find in my travels.. not sure if I'm meant to run it
> standalone or not, and that is detect.  It seg-faulted.  Also Harddrakewasn't 
>working for me.  linuxconf (in the ppp connection section) was
> doing some strange things when backspacing in the fields too. Whetherthis is just on 
>the powerbook I don't know, I don't have any other machine
> to try it on.
> Thanks
> Nick

I just had got done playing around with this and came up with the same solution, 
thanks Nick.  Minicom and dip were fine with the modem, but kppp needs those delays.

Yes - running detect, it looks like it segfaults reading /proc/cpuinfo.  I'll have a 
look at it. Harddrake is calling detect, so it's failing in the same manner.  I wasn't 
able to duplicate any problem with linuxconf, aside from the usual fear of it trashing 
my config files for me ;^)

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