On Thu, 6 Mar 2003, entropy wrote:

> answering my own question... i think the problem was i had 8MB of free 
> space between the bootstrap and root mount.... loaded and it works.... 
> but, the adsl is not....

Shouldn't have mattered as long as all the partition numbers were
referenced correctly.  Glad you got it going though.

> my modem connects through the ethernet port of the ibook via PPPoE.
> going through drakconnect, i use the wizard, and select only adsl (is 
> this right?) and put in my details... the same one's that work fine in 

Depends on your provider.  Mine is ADSL, but I use a router to the modem,
not direct via USB (don't even think there's a USB port on my new one)

> OS X. it tries to connect, after 15seconds or so fails. it sends some 
> data upstream and i can see it on the net monitor as well as the data 
> led on the modem. (which had remained silent until then)
> any idea's? what should i be checking? and what about the question 
> "does the network need to be restarted?" can this make a difference?
> thanks for your patience, not exactly a guru here.....

Any ideas anyone?  I'm not setup to be able to try and duplicate this.

Stew Benedict

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