On Fri, 27 Aug 1999, you wrote:
> Hello,
> I just saw this posted on Slashdot:
> http://www.osopinion.com/Opinions/JohnZedlewski/JohnZedlewski1.html
> Okay, it's Red-Hat Specific, but there are many interesting ideas.
> Especially this, where it describes what I'm up to:
> "Last, but not least, what will you be selling two years from now? The
> answer, I think is clear: integrated solutions (buzzword buzzword). Your
> new Red Hat e-commerce server is a nice start in this direction, but it
> still falls into the Linux trap: assuming the customer can do it for
> him/herself."
> Now, in addition to making a big package for every user, why not focus
> on some integrated solutions for specific customers? The Corel Netwinder
> is an example, as is the Wyse Linux Terminal or the Empeg, or the Helius
> Satellite Router.  Here are some of the solutions I'm currently working
> on:
> - ISP-in-a-box
> - Extranet server
> - Linux in Internet Kiosk
> Maybe we can package Linux in other ways:
> - Cheap Home Computer without Windows
> - Internet Telephony appliance
> - Home entertainment center
> - Medical Applications
> - Point-of-sale applications
> etc...
> Give me your toughts/suggestions/flames about this.

Actually what I think is to have alot more preselected versions (besides the
normal Workstation Server Custom) like :
Workstation: KDE 
Workstation: Gnome
Workstation: No Dev 
Server: SMB Server(who would give you printer filesharing options) 
Server: Firewall/Router (only install needed and 'secure' packages) 
Server: Applications
Server: Internet Server (apache sendmail and such)

This would help the installation alot.. Especially the Firewall/Router as FAR
too many install way too many packages that definetly leave volunerabilities.

Michael Irving

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