Hello Jean-Michel,

Friday, Friday, August 27, 1999, you wrote:

JMD> Now, in addition to making a big package for every user, why not focus
JMD> on some integrated solutions for specific customers? The Corel Netwinder
JMD> is an example, as is the Wyse Linux Terminal or the Empeg, or the Helius
JMD> Satellite Router.  Here are some of the solutions I'm currently working
JMD> on:
JMD> - ISP-in-a-box
JMD> - Extranet server
       Linux in Internet Kiosk        <-------------      1

JMD> Maybe we can package Linux in other ways:
     Cheap Home Computer without Windows    <------------  2
     Internet Telephony appliance           <-----------   3
JMD> - Home entertainment center
JMD> - Medical Applications
       Point-of-sale applications               <----------- 4
JMD> etc...

JMD> Give me your toughts/suggestions/flames about this.

There are point of sales running under linux and anyway, POS has as
most important part  its user part not the OS. Users will determine
what to get on looks/quality of POS and will not be interested in OS.
They expect the seller of the system to service that...

Internet kiosk/cybercafee: I can use that for some of our systems.

Same with cheap home computer setups, ie some ofice/email
stuff/graphics, SOUND AND MPEG playing.
Note: setup has to be simple/idiot proof.
They arent going to run a network, firewall and all the stuff

We have had enquiries for telephone exchanges...

Note: Most oems can adjust the hardware a bit to make it work better.
In our case I wouldnt mind swapping to a different sound card or video
card if that means we can use it under linux.

Under Kiosk/cybercafe usage security is very important as the majority
of service calls is from places where a visitor messed the system up.

And especially no access to changing dialup, mail settings.
They should send mail via the server in the linux box and maybe get
mail via specifying their email address and mailserver in some
connection box after which the programs gets the mail optionally
leaving that stuff on their server.

ref special preselected options is nice but it isnt going to expand
the number of users and from seeing the list thats what I think the
intention is.

what about adding some upgrade options? like adding the firewall
I mean if there is going to be a list on first install why not make
use of the same selection to also allow updates

Best regards,


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