----- Original Message -----
Newsgroups: liste.cooker
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 1999 7:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Cooker] Cooker glitches - does not detect mouse at the

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Hoyt") writes:
> [...]
> >
> > I looked at the shortcut page and tried to finish the install using the
> > keyboard only (BTW, it detetcted the PS/2 mouse, but I had no cursor
> :(
> switching back and forth from console does not help?


> can you verify the /tmp/Xconf?

I will reinstall and look at it. Because of my work schedule (weekends), I
will not have the time to do this until Monday.

> > Cooker would not create
> > a boot disk, not run lilo and not test X successfully. (My install
> > configuration is for /dev/hda6 = /boot and /dev/hda14 = /). Upon
> > /dev/hda6 was empty (no kernel) and /etc/fstab was not configured
> do you install from /dev/hda6? that would be the problem...

I installed from the CD. Just because it pissed me off, I booted from a
rescue disk (I like the one from Peanut Linux because it includes mc) and
completed the installation, copying the /boot partition from my 6.1 install,
mounting it (/dev/hda6) properly as /boot and running chroot. It complained
a little and booted. Major fixing  was required as many, many packages were
not installed (many from the base list like gawk and the related symlinks)
but I was able slog through and even got X running - thanks goodness for
ezrpm, you should make it part of the base install! Still a few problems:
You guys moved some of the desktop icons to another rpm and I haven't found
it yet, Netdrake won't run, drakX crashes and for the life of me, I cannot
get the font server working. Still, I got enough working to make me feel
better about my install and recovery skills

> PS: i just added the following to SHORTCUTS:
> in case of complete mouse sh**t
> XFree86 provides a way of moving the mouse pointer:
> - first, press Ctrl-Shift-NumLock
> - then move the pointer with the keypad arrows
> - press button is ``0'' (aka Inser)
> - release button is ``.'' (aka Suppr)

This would be a BIG help. Thanks.


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