I downloaded tthe updated /mdkinst over the weekend. That seems to have
gotten me past the mouse problems. The error message for that one was:
Gdk-Warning **:shmget failed! at /usr/bin/perl-install/install_steps_gtk.pm
line 752.

But as I said, I got past that, and my generic PS/2 mouse worked just fine.

Other observations:

In the package install screen, the use of color to deliniate packages that
are part of the base install, selected packages and unselected packages is a
very good idea, but initially confusing without a key to tell me what it was
I was seeing. Some of teh script was doubled and slightly offset and was
very difficult to read. It would be nice for numlock to be turned on by
default for data enrty, but I know what a pain the numlock thing can be with
X. It was very nice to have the option of _no_ password - who really needs
one on a home system anyway? Since I was able to get through all the install
screens, I must say I am very impressed with what you guys have done.

I did have other problems.

mkbootdisk failed with an error message about install_steps_gtk.pm line 50.
I tried mkbootdisk after I rebooted cooker with a rescue disk and it failed
because awk (gawk) was not installed; installing that package fixed it.

lilo also failed, with a cylinder too big message. This was probably my
fault as I was installing to a partition above 1024 cylinders and did not
provide for a /boot partition below that since I wanted to see what would
happen. Of course, had I been able to make a boot disk, this would not have
ben an issue, but I wanted to see what th einstall program would do in this
case since larger hard drives are becoming more common.

I was able to boot cooker from a rescue disk from the Peanut distro ( I like
it because it has mc available on the boot floppy). Giving the lilo command
root=/dev/hda12 (my cooker install partition) booted me up in cooker with a
few non-fatal kernel compatability messages and allowed me to debug
mkbootdisk and install gawk and create a boot disk, then boot "for real".

I had a problem with KDE in that kfm would not run; KDE would start and I
would see a blank desktop and was unable to run programs. I used alt-F2 to
bring up the command line and ran xterm and started kfm from it to see the
error messages. It seems that libjpeg.so.62 and libtiff.so.3 were not
installed automagically. Installing them brought kfm to life.

Some of the drakconf packages also did not get installed automagically (like
sound), but I have not fixed that yet. As I try to make things work one by
one, I'll keep a list of what did not install if that will be helpful to

Still, overall, a nice job.

By the way, I have a few suggestions for a few improvements in /dosutils.
Who is handling that for Mandrake?


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