Yes.. I thought this would be the case also.. BUT.. after going on 7 clean
Installs. I double checked...When you select a main category you assume it
means EVERYTHING in that category will be selected. Just to double check....
I selected every category heading. Then I proceeded to expand EVERY tree.
Guess what... there were intermittent packages NOT selected throughout the
whole tree. Beleive Me I WANT mandrake 7.0 to work.I get it installed..
everytime.. something goes haywire to mess up the WHOLE system. I have tried
it on 2 different machines. I have run ontrack diagnositc on the hard drive.
I have run Western Digital Diag on the Hard drive... I even wrote zeros to
the drive. HOPING it would fix the prob. It just seems to me that Oxygen was
more stable than AIR. OXYGEN kicked!

Take Care


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