I don't usually do "straight comments"
on techo-issues being the "Clue-less-One" but
seeing that even staff of MandrakeSoft have a
varience of opinions is a good sign in my opinion.

Many of you have helped me out at one time or another,
as I progressed from 6.0-6.1-7.0bOxygen-7.0Air-
7.0Air+Cooker. At times I wonder where its all heading?

The least trouble to install, get printers,NIC cards,
scsi-scanner,networking,sound, audio permissions to
all local trusted users, seemed to be 6.0, 6.1 seemed
to have some nice features though the printer-prob first
time in 3 years caused me to scream. Getting a Test
Machine networked to test 6.1+7.0b was lots of fun and
the networking, printing both remote and local, Sound.
general atitude of it all seemed very promising.
I was very surprised when not only the Name, i.e. Oxygen,
was changed to Air (Air without Oxygen will kill humans and
of course too much Oxygen makes humans giddy);
but found no mention of a "freeze" for the "stable" 7.0
and just stumbled across it from one day to the next when
I could not find the Cooker RPMS. And of course a reboot
has brought never-before -seen probs, but be that as it may;

The Staff (you know who you are) are amongst the most helpful
I have ever found, Just wish a Mandrake Convention would
come to Alaska and setup shop and save us taxpayers a few $
by weaning the State off the Big M$.

Anyhow I realize it was probably a marketing decision to get
7.0 out the door, but we seemed to be so close to geting the
7.0b "firmed up"?! In addition I too have wondered with RH 
and L-M why "everything" meant "mostly"?! 

I am in the process of "converting" several individuals over
to dual-boot systems some of whom would have some 
influence in certain technological decisions being made in 
the coming decade with state and local agencies. I am not
the only one as I read comments from many in the "arena" 
including other fellow penguins in Alaska.
Please keep some of the goals for Linux-Mandrake
not only, nice to look at and cutting edge, 
but reliable and flexible and May The Staff 
Keep Their Sense of Humor and Helpfulness Intact.

Thanks You for You Patience :>)

William Bouterse
Juneau Alaska

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