El jue, 06 abr 2000, escribiste:

> I have noticed that since about a month ago, my root
> ssh terms (ssh -l root localhost) get default values
> for the DISPLAY variable which are some what strange
> to me. Values like:
> "DISPLAY=hostyouareconnectingfrom:24.0"

        That is because X connections are forwarding through ssh.

> before it used to be:
> "DISPLAY=hostyouareconnectingfrom:0.0"
> If you change it to DISPLAY=localhost:0.0 then you can
> run your X apps with no problem.

        Yes, but then X apps are not encrypted and, if you introduce some
password in one of them (in netscape to receive e-mail for example), that
password can be easily stollen.

> > I have a really annoying problem.
> > When I use ssh user@localhost, the XAUTHORITY is not
> > set to /tmp/Xauth...,
> > so I can't launch X app. It works only with myself
> > and root (who has my
> > identity.pub as authorized_keys).

        I have had the same a problem and a guy give me the right solution.
Change your /etc/profile.d/xhost.sh to:

if [ ! -z "$DISPLAY" ];then
        if [ "`id -u`" -gt 14 ];then
                if [ -z "$XAUTHORITY" ];then
                        export XAUTHORITY=$HOME/.Xauthority

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