Am 2000-04-09, um 14:43:42 (-0700) schrieb Eugenio Diaz:
> When I make a ssh connection to the localhost, I get a
> definition like "DISPLAY=fulgore:12.0", which is ok,
> but for some reason, if I run an Xclient like xterm,
> it hangs there without doing nothing, even if I run
> "xhosts +"; and if I press ctrl-c, it takes about a
> minute to exit. What is wrong?

Hard to say, but perhups You haven't enabled forewarding 
X sessions. From my "etc/ssh/ssh_config":
Host *
        ForwardAgent yes
        ForwardX11 yes
        FallBackToRsh no

And from my "etc/ssh/sshd_config":
X11Forwarding yes

look if You have those lines also, and then thry a

  ssh -v localhost xterm

There You shold get (hopfully) enough debug-output 
if it won't work ...

Tschüss und bis demnächst,


| Stefan Siegel                               |
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