Well, under normal circumstances the display is foo:0.0;
I mean, 12.0 could be correct in your case, but it's unusual.
Other than that, it beats me, though high security levels might
defeat the xhosts bit.

(And in the long term you really want to give a specific list of hosts
to allow, but I'd play with plain "xhosts +" until it works.)

On Sun, 09 Apr 2000, you wrote:
| --- Stefan Siegel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > OK, I understand You only want to make local
| > connections 
| Not really, my machine is on the net, but I have
| telnet disabled, and use ssh to open root xterms.
| > to Your machine. But You totally missunderstood the 
| > concept of ssh.
| > 
| > ssh stands for "secure shell" so every time You are 
| > going to connect to a sshd (a secure shell daemon) 
| > Your ssh-client will make a encrypted (= secure) 
| > connection. When You enable X11 connections via ssh,
| > 
| > the sshd will use a virtual X11 server, some sort of
| > 
| > proxy, to handle your X-requests and transfer them 
| > encrypted via Your ssh connection.
| > So If You are only working on your local machine, 
| > (standalone computer), using ssh is only a 
| > possibility to slowdown Your machine ;-)
| That, I did not know. I was confused thinking that
| Xclients would comunicate with the sshd through the
| arbitrary port ssh creates, but now I understand that
| Xclients are not ssh enabled and need to be fooled by
| using a X proxy on a different display number.
| When I make a ssh connection to the localhost, I get a
| definition like "DISPLAY=fulgore:12.0", which is ok,
| but for some reason, if I run an Xclient like xterm,
| it hangs there without doing nothing, even if I run
| "xhosts +"; and if I press ctrl-c, it takes about a
| minute to exit. What is wrong?
| =====
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