On Thu, 6 Apr 2000, Jose Antonio Becerra Permuy wrote:

> > "DISPLAY=hostyouareconnectingfrom:24.0"
>       That is because X connections are forwarding through ssh.
> > 
> > before it used to be:
> > 
> > "DISPLAY=hostyouareconnectingfrom:0.0"
> > 
> > If you change it to DISPLAY=localhost:0.0 then you can
> > run your X apps with no problem.
>       Yes, but then X apps are not encrypted and, if you introduce some
> password in one of them (in netscape to receive e-mail for example), that
> password can be easily stollen.

Uh what? ssh is encrypting the session. That's what X11 forwarding is for.

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