On Thu 27 Mar 2003 08:16, Levi Ramsey posted as excerpted below:
> Perhaps there should be an NVidia howto covering this issue which we can
> refer users to...

Don't know about a howto, but they pretty much cover it on the site, AND in 
the readme.  Both state specifically that the driver MUST match the distrib 
and release version of the kernel, or IT WILL NOT WORK!!

Those who update directly off the NVidia site should know this already.  
However, if Mdk put the commercial version in the boxed set, and set it up 
w/o having folks go thru the NVidia site info and README, then they should 
realize that those folks will have issues upgrading, and should mention it, 
just as NVidia does, suggesting either the NVidia site, or another boxed set 
upgrade, perhaps at a pretty good discount over the standard boxed set price, 
since these customers are loyal and have already layed down cash for the 
previous boxed set..  To not do so is irresponsible and a bug.  Using 
NVidia's drivers with the commercial set involves being responsible enough to 
handle it with the next upgrade, commercial or not, AT LEAST by detecting the 
issue and telling folks about it and offering a choice.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." --
Benjamin Franklin

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