En/na magic ha escrit:

Actually my thought was (from a systems administrator point of view) the less I have to do the better, (at the same time, trying to make life

that's why you make scripts ;-)

easier). By taking advantage of an LDAP environment, and using PAM, if I create an LDAP account, virtually everything else can be done automagically. /home directory can be created, samba shares can be created & assigned (although I haven't gotten that far yet).

I thought it would be great to pre define (a default) user mail structure (user/joeuser, user/joeuser/spam, user/joeuser/shared, ect). I also believe you can subscribe to already configured shared folders and such - (cool).

# call this python script at user creation, for this to work # autocreatequota must be <> 0

import imaplib
import sys

def createmb(user,password):
  for mb in mailboxes:

if __name__ == "__main__":

Yes, actually there were 2 patches those links addressed. I always verify configuration at a user station when setting up access, (personally I would disable autocreate on post). What I'm really interested in the login account creation stuff.

Also I saw a reference to Simon Matter's rpms (didn't you start with those at some point? Does that mean the patches are already there, or they just used that as a starting point? I think it would be great to

No they aren't. From time to time I check Simon's package but I don't integrate everything (for example the deliver-wrapper seemed a bad idea to me, and I didn't like the autocreate patch).
To be sincere, I don't really like the munge8bits patch either, but it isn't too invasive so it's in (in my 2.1.13 package).
I'd prefer the autocreate patch to be accepted upstream with due security audit, but if that's really an issue I can pull it in.

Bye -- Que les importa a las viudas, a los huérfanos, a los desvalidos si las masacres se hacen en nombre del totalitarismo o en el sagrado nombre de la libertad y la democracia. Mahatma Gandhi (1869 - 1948)

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