Luca Berra wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 07, 2003 at 01:20:00PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>> On Fri, Jun 06, 2003 at 08:55:18PM +0200, Buchan Milne wrote:
>>> yes and you get mail for mister rpcuser actually delivered :(
>>Which can easily be prevented, especially when using courier+ldap.
> I was only meaning that /etc/passwd != list of mailboxes, sorry if i
> sounded harsh.

Sure, Cyrus keeps them seperate, but there's no reason we can't make sure to have it 
add a cyrus user when we add a unix user.  There's no reason Cyrus *has* to be more 
difficult uw-imap.  We should be able to switch to the better IMAP server by default, 
without making things more difficult.

>>>>> By taking advantage of an LDAP environment, and using PAM, if I
>>>>> create an LDAP account, virtually everything else can be done
>>>>> automagically. /home directory can be created, samba shares can be
>>>>> created & assigned (although I haven't gotten that far yet).
>>> you can script user/mailbox creation at the same time you script
>>> addictional activities dealing with user creation/renaming/removal.
>>Why should the admin *need* to script things to make it a viable solution?
>>Sure, being able to script things is nice, but the fact that you need to
>>script things is what currently prevents many people from implementing
>>Linux instead of Windows!
> only because noone has already scripted for him something that is
> functional?, I am positive m$ exchange does not auto create a mailbox
> for every user on windows system, but probably the mailbox creation
> wizard is able to create a system user, not sure tough.

We don't need to use Windows as our model either.  We can do better.

>>> auto mailbox creation may only solve creation, but does not deal with
>>> removal or renaming.
>>> IMHO this should be in a user administration frontend, not in an imap
>>> daemon.
>>IMHO, if it's not accessible in Mandrake Control Center (or whatever will
>>be the server configuration equivalent of it), we need to ensure that a
>>newbie admin would easily find what needs to be done.
> A newbie admin should leave cyrus alone[*]. It is not even in main. And I

That is the wrong attitude.

> am not sure autocreation of mailboxes on post is a help to newbie
> admins. see my point above for mr. rpcuser, and if mr. newbie admin has
> a hope of finding and removing mr. rpcuser mailbox in /var/mail, it
> doesn't have a chance of ever realizing what is eating disk-space on a
> cyrus installation.
> [*] at least until someone writes an admin tool for it.
>>Windows didn't get their market share by making things difficult for the
>>user, and making something easy to use doesn't make it less stable or
>>insecure (as long as it's done the right way).
> Agreed. But windows chose the less-stable way :)
>>Maybe we need to start working pro-actively on what the config tools for
>>each service should be capable of doing, so we can be sure libconf will
>>address it ...
> Agreed. 

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