On Tue, 2003-06-17 at 09:35, Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On 17 Jun 2003, Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
> > 
> > > 
> > > I still fail to see why people start "installing software" to see
> > > installed packages.. Typical scenario is to start the given
> > > program for a given task, isn't it? I launche "installing
> > > software" when I want to install software..
> > GC, we have talked about this before. You are not easily convinced but the 
> > issue keeps coming up. If you really want to know, post a poll on 
> Yes I don't remember having beeing convinced.
> > mandrakeclub (or do a telephone poll for registered users, but that will 
> > be more expensive).
> I don't like mandrakeclub much.

But you like their money, right?  Maybe you don't like your mother, but
she gave birth to you, so you at least owe her a nod.  Same goes for
Mandrakeclub; these people paid money for a voice and votes so that they
can have some input in the direction(s) that the Mandrake distro goes
in; but more pointedly it is the most pristine source for Mandrakesoft
revenue presently in existence.  This attitude towards people who
gratuitously give money in return for a promise to be recognized with
their votes is exactly the problem that will be the downfall of the
Mandrake distro if it happens.

The voters for Rpmdrake 1.4 were clearly and precisely stating their
preference for the UI cosmetics.  Yet the polls for both 9.0 and 9.1
were closed, even in the face of totally overwhelming and widespread
public opinion FOR the old cosmetics/functionality.

> > The reason is:
> > I want to find a program for emailing. What do you do? -> Install 
> > software -> search description for "email"-> Nothing found!
> > User thinks: WTF?
> > Smarter user starts (ironically and contra-intuitive) software removal, 
> > finds kmail/evolution, thinks: ahh...I already have such a program, it is 
> > called kmail! Than he has to hope that the menu name corresponds with the 
> > rpm name (another Feature request: make the menu name clearly visible in 
> > rpmdrake, this will imediatly suggest what menu item is connected with 
> > the package).
> I see now. Ok. I think that the other proposal to display results
> in installed packages if search in installable fails is a good
> compromise.
> The problem is that startup time will increase, together with
> memory footprint. Not talking about maintainance issue.
> But hey people want more and more features.. they do have a cost.
> > Think a bit further, currently rpmdrake has an "easy" interface, but not a 
> > friendly one. (Look at some Mac software). rpmdrake has become quite nice, 
> > but it is sometimes not suited for the things many users want.
> > 
> > Well, I was never able to convince you, and have proposed doing it myself, 
> > but I lack the time unless I gave up some other projects:(
> Proposed implementations always sucked because they were based on
> reverting to old rpmdrake with the clumsy complicated interface
> with all features under the eyes, ending up with something too
> complicated for beginners.

The truth is that you have absolutely no idea WHAT beginners want simply
because you have absolutely no discourse with them("it's marketing's
job"), and what's more, you WANT NONE.  If you have no discourse with
the beginner, then whence do you get your information?  ESP?  God? A god
complex? Certainly not Mandrakeclub, whose voters were told to go jump
in a lake, and to take their Mandrakeclub standard, silver, and gold
paid invoices with them when they went, and whose organization you
dislike, amazingly enough by YOUR OWN ADMISSION.

The purpose of the voting forums is to get a quantifiable idea of what
the paying members want, which is exactly what the Mandrake distro needs
more than anything else right now.  Yet in the case of rpmdrake this
primary directive was soiled and corrupted when the Mandrakeclub
member's voices were ignored, then silenced by gagging the rpmdrake
polls; both 9.0 and 9.1.  This gives the distinct impression that the
purpose of the Mandrakeclub ( quantifiable, verifiable, and distinct
communication between users and Mandrakesoft via democratic polls) is
and always has been nothing more than a propaganda scam in order to gain
money for the Mandrakesoft meat grinder.  Your attitude here further
exacerbates that impression and does nothing to dispel it.


Kernel 2.4.21-0.13mdk       Linux Mandrake 9.1
Enlightenment-0.16.5-12mdk  Evolution 1.2.4-1.1mdk
Linux User #268899 http://counter.li.org/

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