On Fri 04 Jul 2003 19:52, Adam Williamson posted as excerpted below:

> still seem to have this devfsd problem that people are experiencing to
> various degrees. loop, nvidia, usbmouse and probably some others I don't
> know about are not loaded on boot.
> So to boot up I have to pick my kernel, do Alt-SysRq-E when module
> dependencies freeze, login to the console, modprobe nvidia and usbmouse,
> restart the xfs service and restart the dm service. This is not optimal.
> :)

Sounds like that is a bit of an understatement.  At least it boots!  <g>

FWIW..  My system is a bit different.  I'm running 2.4.21 self-compiled from 
kernel.org.  As such, I have boot-required modules like reiserfs (on all my 
partitions except for swap, naturally, and legacy vfat) built-in, so don't 
need or have an initrd to worry about.

That said, with devfsd -30mdk here, no serious issues.  I don't have usbmouse 
(still use ps2, since I have the port and it's less complicated than tracking 
USB for such a critical input device), but I have nvidia supporting two 
monitors on my AGP GForce2 (svirge on the PCI supporting a third monitor).  I 
originally didn't load it on boot, but at X start (I boot init 3 by default 
and start X/KDE from my user login with the kde command from BASH).  However, 
I'm assuming due to the binary portion being compiled with a different gcc, 
that didn't work after I upgraded to kernel 2.4.21.  It does, however, work 
if I load nvidia from /etc/modules at boot, which I am doing now.  I have 
loopback modulized, but haven't used it recently so don't know whether it 
works or not.

Anyway, while several have said it's a devfsd issue, I'm not sure that's 
entirely the case, as it doesn't seem to be affecting me here, with a 
standard kernel.org kernel, and no initrd.  If it IS specifically a devfsd 
issue, the kernel and/or initrd apparently triggers it.

Duncan - List replies preferred.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Benjamin Franklin

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