On Sat 05 Jul 2003 14:52, Adam Williamson posted as excerpted below:
> But you maybe *do* have the bug. the nvidia module should load if you
> have this line in /etc/modules.conf:
> alias /dev/nvidia*   nvidia
> but for many of us, it doesn't. We have to load it manually or put it in
> /etc/modules. what about you?

That's what I thought I said..  However, I attribute it to something else..  
the binary only bit of the nvidia module, as I had to force 
recompile/reinstall of the nvidia module after compiling and switching to 
2.4.21, as the nvidia installer otherwise gave me a warning/error about me 
using a different compiler to compile the module than I had to compile the 
kernel, tho it was the same one, and I'd just finished compiling the kernel.  
The only reasonable explanation for that is that the nvidia binary-only 
component was compiled with a different compiler, which would be expected 
since I rather doubt they could be using the latest Cooker gcc, when I 
believe this release (the latest, but..) was out b4 the latest gcc!

Thus, I think the problem is the stupid binary-only core, which of necessity 
HAS to be compiled with something older than the newest gcc, rather than 
devfsd or some other such thing.  I expect the reason it won't load by 
default now has to do with the compiler differences, tho it will still load 
if specifically loaded, as it is when loaded from modules or manually.

I really wish they'd just release the thing so it could be fully compiled with 
whatever I happen to be using, already!  I doubt I will buy another nvidia 
card due to all this hassle.  (I got this one back b4 I switched to Linux.  
At the time I was planning to switch, so I verified Linux drivers and that 
the dual head worked with them, but I didn't know enough to realize what 
complications nvidia proprietary drivers would cause, nor even that they were 
different from the nv drivers.  I just knew to verify they were there and 
would work with the card I was looking to purchase.)

Of course, one does have a hard time arguing with nvidia's price and wide 

Duncan - List replies preferred.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Benjamin Franklin

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