I try to put set -x at the start of my /etc/rc.sysinit script and it stop to freeze!!!

I don't know why???

Le ven 04/07/2003 à 22:52, Adam Williamson a écrit :
Here's the current happy fun bugs I have with Cooker:

still seem to have this devfsd problem that people are experiencing to
various degrees. loop, nvidia, usbmouse and probably some others I don't
know about are not loaded on boot.

just now, the system's starting freezing at "Finding module
dependencies:" - it sits there and does nothing. I can workaround this
with Alt-SysRq-E, which terminates whatever is freezing the system, and
boot continues, but then the X Font Server fails to initialise properly
(complains about some executable not existing).

So to boot up I have to pick my kernel, do Alt-SysRq-E when module
dependencies freeze, login to the console, modprobe nvidia and usbmouse,
restart the xfs service and restart the dm service. This is not optimal.

Any status on these problems, particularly the devfsd one? I'm running
devfsd-1.3.25-30mdk , which seems to be the latest. I note that the
changelog for 29mdk reads "really package /sbin/devfsd-try-modload", but
I don't *have* /sbin/devfsd-try-modload , nor does urpmf find it.
Stéphane Soucy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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