Hey Gang;

Earlier this week, after a urpmi.update -a && urmpi  --auto-select --auto, the 
eth0 interface seemed to be set up just fine after a reboot. *However* 
logging into kde via kdm (not mdkkdm) oddly caused the routing and ifconfig 
for eth0 to "disappear". The modules for the pcmcia card were still loaded so 
a simple dhcpcd from a root prompt fixed it all up. This was only for the 
first kdm login after a reboot as subsequent logins via kdm were fine.

*NOW* (after just now running the urmpi script above) only the lo interface is 
being setup after a reboot. As before the pcmcia card's modules are being 
loaded during the reboot and running dhcpcd from a root prompt after the 
reboot completes works fine. Now kdm logins no longer appear to be causing 
any issues in this area.

Additionally the kde desktop is having problems since the earlier urpmi 
updates. Desktop icons are flashing after kdm completes placing said icons 
after a (kdm) login. The operational fix is to select icon alignment, however 
this has to be done each time a user logs in.

Obviously this may not be a Mandrake specific problem in either case (kde or 
dhcpcd). But in past experience with at least the dhcpcd issue (yes this is 
NOT the first time) it has been a Mandrake scripting error.

Thanks for the attention.

Bob Finch 

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