On Saturday 19 July 2003 05:32 am, Buchan Milne wrote:
> On Fri, 18 Jul 2003, w9ya wrote:
> > This is exactly what went on and was fixed immediately prior to the 9.1
> > release (and ifstaus -v is unchanged in either condition also).
> No it is not. Immediately prior to 9.1, ifplugd was working fine, but
> the ifup script would not set the DNS servers supplied by the dhcp
> server in /etc/resolv.conf if the dhcp server didn't supply a domain name
> (you still got an IP, and kept it - totally different behaviour). Similar
> behaviour to what you are seeing *might* have been present during the
> initial integration of ifplug, but that was a bit more than "immediately
> prior to".

Well, since *I* have not said it *was* ifplugd I don't doubt you might be 
right. Also *my* idea of immediately prior might well be different than 
yours, in as much as alot of pcmcia nics had problems working with the 
scripting across MANY versions of Mandrake, i.e. this was  problem for a long 
time. Again, all of this I have said before in this thread. 

> > In my case I am using the pcnet_cs card, so it probably isn't specific to
> > driver.
> AFAIK, pcnet_cs does not support ifplugd, and since you haven't posted
> your ifcfg-eth0 (no, I did not want to know if it was static or dhcp),
> figure out yourself how to turn off ifplugd.

Well I did send it in to this list more than once, Apparently the internet is 
having ALOT of problems this weekend with email and you may not have seen it. 
I even sent it to you directly. (And my outgoing mail is just fine.) I will 
tell you again and specifically; DEVICE=eth0, BOOTPROTO=dhcp, 

Um, just for the record, I am *NOT* interested in figuring this out. If that 
wasn't obvious, please let me be specific. This is troubleshooting info for 
the maintainer(s) that have been changing scripts and/or modifying packages. 

I was hoping that a maintainer would use the information I was turning in. Are 
you one of these maintainers ? If not, then please just be gracious and let 
me post the information I have. ANY information can be useful to a 
maintainer. Earlier you said this was antedotal (which is more than 
debatable) and of no use. I seriously doubt that.

Finally if you don't want to help troubleshoot this problem, that is more than 
fine with me. I (again as stated in an earlier posting) can just make the 
need changes myself, as I did custom scripting for this before and I am 
content to do so again.

I think unless there is something relevant to discuss further here and you are 
a maintainer wanting to deal with this, I would say this thread has run its 
course, long ago, as nothing useful has come out of it, other than my 
original intention to alert the relevant maintainers and some interesting 
input from Adam W.

Sincerely and with best regards;

Bob Finch

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