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w9ya wrote:

> After rebooting the laptop without the pcmcia network card inserted,
and then
> inserting it watching on a root tty.....well as I suspected this
mimmicks the
> pcmcia network card issues that plagued the 8.x releases and I think got
> fixed shortly before 9.1 was released. The scripts are clearly
hanging. As I
> recall there was much discussion of this in the past. SO this must
just be a
> case of deja-vu !!

AFAIK, no PCMCIA cards can accurately tell you the status of the cable.
If you aren't connected, pop the card out, if you are, pop it in,
otherwise you will see things like this. If we can't tell if we are
connected, we have to try dhcp, which may result in a long timeout if
not connected => get a card that has support for this, most onboard NICs
in new laptops do.

> Thanks for the attention.
> Bob Finch
> p.s. .... The fix for me was script in rc.local to take care of this.
> going to have to that again. No big deal just wanted to get this "on the
> record".

It would then also be useful to have the output of 'ifstatus -v
<interface>' for each card, in different states (ie plugged in, not
pluggged in). And you might also want to show us what you have in
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0, especially MII_UNSUPPORTED or
whatever it is (aka the "network hotplugging" checkbox in drakconnect in
expert mode).

My cooker box with a RTL-8139 never has problems like this ;-) but then
again it is always connected, and ifplugd does work well with it.


- --
|--------------Another happy Mandrake Club member--------------|
Buchan Milne                Mechanical Engineer, Network Manager
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