Submitted 03-Jun-00 by B. K. Barley:
> Ok,
>     This may not be the best time, or even the right place but I have a
> problem with the menus.  This is not a bug per say...but more of an
> annoyance.  How is it possible to add menu items for programs installed
> that are not part of the distribution?  I would like to add star office,
> word perfect, and some other stuff that does not get automatically added
> when installed.  Could there be a possible utility created that would
> allow this?  Say drakmenu?
> B. K. Barley

Had the same problem.  What I did was create menu entries manually.
In the file ~/.menu/soffice:

title="Star Office"\
longtitle="Sun's StarOffice suite"\

This file could just as easily be placed in /usr/lib/menu if you
wanted global access to the menu entry.  Note that the "local." tells
the menu system that this was not installed from an RPM/DEB, but to
assume that it exists.

I can't imagine that it would be too difficult to write a script that
allowed you to enter the relevent details and created the menu
entries.  (Though there would likely be some cosiderations I am not
aware of, having not done *any* scripting for X.)

      ( )   *    Anton Graham
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