On Sat, 05 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> "B. K. Barley" wrote:
> > 
> > >From a user perspective in regards to this menu issue,
> > 
> >         I just would like to know how to add things to the default menus that
> > don't get added.  For instance, when I install Star Office, or Compupic,
> > or some other app that is not included with the distribution, I can not
> > add it to the menus.  I have looked at the documentation for 7.1 and
> > searched all around the docs in cooker but found nothing.
> > 
> > Bryan
> As root, click on the big 'K' (assuming you're using kde) ->
> Configuration -> Other -> Menu Editor
> From there you can change your menu to whatever you want.
> Mike

   Well, I'm mostly a perenial newbie lurker spying on y'all, but
this seems to only work if I log into root's desktop.  If I make the
changes from my user desktop (ie, su to root to start 'kmenuedit'),
they aren't 'lasting'.  By that I mean they might last thru several
reboots to W98 to fly airplanes... but they might not either, even
from root.  Sometimes a re-start of X causes the loss. I never have
figured out a common denominator.  About  < 25% of the time, I log
into my user desktop to find all my menu customizations have been
lost :(  (7.1 from lland.com CD's, expert-full enchilada-medium
security)  I never had this situation with Mdk <= 7.0

  What seems to have solved this, at least for the time being
<knock on wood ;> , is I made a /usr/share/applnk copy dir,
/applink-bak.  The last time I lost additions, I copied (as root,
and from root's desktop) /applnk-bak dir contents, overwriting, to
.../applnk.  So far, so good.  

  Several flights later ;>   DC3 or Songbird

 "out of the clear blue western sky......... comes SkyKing! "
~~   Tom Brinkman    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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