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magic wrote:
> Buchan Milne wrote:
>> - -Windows client for hylafax?
>   This isn't required. Being a little creative, I put together a slick
> (and simple) way to do this.

Sure, but your's doens't make it any easier (in terms of distributing it).

>   I am using WHFC (Windows HylaFAX client). This accepts postscript
> input, and talks directly to the HylaFAX server.  Using the Generic
> (Windows) Postscript driver (downloaded from Adobe's website).

Which is proprietary software BTW ...

The alternative is the CUPS Windows postscript driver, which should
actually allow for more interesting things (in combination with fax4cups
etc etc), but it is in a similar position as this filesystem driver, in
that it requires some MS SDK which is not free enough. But I may look at
making a package for Club comm which works mostly out-the-box with

>   Install & configure WHFC first, then install the Generic Postscript
> driver. You need to set the port in the postscript driver to use WHFC
> port - and after that, like magic anything you print from windows (using
> the postscript driver), goes to WHFC and is sent as a fax.

If you could set up cover pages and stuff, this could be quite cool, and
we could compete with win2k3 (which has a complete fax service solution).

>   I haven't setup coverpages yet, and have only tested on Win2k, but do
> not believe there would be any surprises on other win systems (95, 98,
> me, xp).
>   Simple, and cheap (no cost) solution.
>   Now, would WHFC warrant being packaged with MDK (as an addon / utility
> maybe) extending HylaFAX services to Windows client desktops?  Hmm,
> Interesting issue - packaging windows utilities that interact with an
> MDK server...  Where do you draw the line?

Exactly the issue at hand, but remember it can really only be done for
totally free software.


- --
|--------------Another happy Mandrake Club member--------------|
Buchan Milne                Mechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work            +27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x202
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering         http://www.cae.co.za
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