On Fri, 9 Jun 2000, David Faure wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 09, 2000 at 02:47:19AM -0400, Matthew R. Sprague wrote:
> > Hey Chris I have a corrrection for your web page and a few questions about  
> > your new RPM builds.
> > 
> >     This correction is actually for faure as he maintains the 
> > http://www.kde.org/kde1-and-kde2.html webpage. 
> >        This already allows to run a KDE2 app under KDE1, and the other way round.
> > correction: This allows one to run a KDE2 app under KDE1, and the other way 
> > around
> Thanks, fixed :)
> (The 'already' meant: even without performing the other steps, but I guess
> it's unclear)
> > Most likely you will need to delete and let kde re-create your ~HOME/.kde 
> > directory.
> >     Is this true if one wants to run KDE1 and KDE2 on the same computer?
> No it's not. Chris, I suggest you remove this from your page.


> > Does one need to uninstall older KDE2 rpm's such as 20000531 before installing 
> > the new one's or is it ok to just rpm -i over the older ones? Keep in mind 
> > that I want to be able to use both KDE1 and KDE2. Using rpm -u will remove 
> > KDE1 packages? There is a problem with removing your KDE2 rpm's (on Mandrake 
> > anyway). Using rpm -e yields the package not installed error and rpm -i yields 
> > package is allready installed. Which is it; installed or not installed?
> Aren't the packages named kdebase2, kdenetwork2, etc. ? This should make
> it easy to upgrade them without removing the KDE-1.x one.

The Cooker ones are. The ones on my old distributions are not. But, they
probably will be on the next update... I am changing my build process over
the next few days.


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