This is a repeat of something I posted a few days ago ...
I'm now using 7.0-2 updated with lots of cooker stuff and it still works
for me.
 For those having difficulties running KDE2-alphas and KDE1, here
are the scripts I used on my Mandrake 7.0 machine.  There are probably
many other ways, but this works for me ...

# /opt/kde2/bin/kde1

export KDE2DIR=/opt/kde2
export KDEDIR=/opt/kde
export QTDIR=/usr/local/qt
export X11HOME=/usr/X11R6

# If $KDE2DIR/bin is already in PATH, remove it ... otherwise each
# invocation adds to the PATH.  The "$HOME" is needed to ensure that
# the caller has write permissions.
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q $KDE2DIR/bin: && echo $PATH>$HOME/tmp.$$ && \
cut -d: -f2- $HOME/tmp.$$>$HOME/tmp1.$$ && export PATH=`cat $HOME/tmp1.$$` && \
rm -f $HOME/tmp.$$ && rm -f $HOME/tmp1.$$

# If $KDEDIR/bin is already in PATH, remove it ... otherwise each
# invocation adds to the PATH
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q $KDEDIR/bin: && echo $PATH>$HOME/tmp.$$ && \
cut -d: -f2- $HOME/tmp.$$>$HOME/tmp1.$$ && export PATH=`cat $HOME/tmp1.$$` && \
rm -f $HOME/tmp.$$ && rm -f $HOME/tmp1.$$

# Now we can add the current KDEDIR ...
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q $KDEDIR/bin || export PATH=$KDEDIR/bin:$PATH export
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q $X11HOME/bin || export PATH=$PATH:$X11HOME/bin
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q /usr/games || export PATH=$PATH:/usr/games
export MANPATH=$KDEDIR/man:$QTDIR/man:/usr/man:\


export KDE1DIR=/opt/kde
export KDEDIR=/opt/kde2 
export QTDIR=/usr/lib/qt2
export X11HOME=/usr/X11R6

# If $KDE1DIR/bin is already in PATH, remove it ... otherwise each
# invocation adds to the PATH.  The "$HOME" is needed to ensure that
# the caller has write permissions.
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q $KDE1DIR/bin: && echo $PATH>$HOME/tmp.$$ && \
cut -d: -f2- $HOME/tmp.$$>$HOME/tmp1.$$ && export PATH=`cat $HOME/tmp1.$$` && \
rm -f $HOME/tmp.$$ && rm -f $HOME/tmp1.$$

# If $KDEDIR/bin is already in PATH, remove it ... otherwise each
# invocation adds to the PATH
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q $KDEDIR/bin: && echo $PATH>$HOME/tmp.$$ && \
cut -d: -f2- $HOME/tmp.$$>$HOME/tmp1.$$ && export PATH=`cat $HOME/tmp1.$$` && \
rm -f $HOME/tmp.$$ && rm -f $HOME/tmp1.$$

# Now we can add the current KDEDIR ...
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q $KDEDIR/bin || export PATH=$KDEDIR/bin:$PATH 
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q $X11HOME/bin || export PATH=$PATH:$X11HOME/bin
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q /usr/games || export PATH=$PATH:/usr/games
export MANPATH=$KDEDIR/man:$QTDIR/man:/usr/man:\

# /etc/X11/window-managers
DESC=The fabulous desktop
DESC=The fabulous desktop - Pre-alpha release
<snip>  ------- etc, etc, ------------- <snip> 

# /usr/local/bin/startkde1
# set .kde and Desktop
/bin/rm -f ~/.kde
/bin/ln -s ~/.kde1 ~/.kde
/bin/rm -f ~/Desktop
/bin/ln -s ~/Desktop1 ~/Desktop

# set QT and KDE environment variables
source /opt/kde2/bin/kde1

exec /opt/kde/bin/startkde

# /usr/local/bin/startkde2
# set .kde and Desktop
/bin/rm -f ~/.kde
/bin/ln -s ~/.kde2 ~/.kde
/bin/rm -f ~/Desktop
/bin/ln -s ~/Desktop2 ~/Desktop

# set QT and KDE environment variables
source /opt/kde2/bin/kde2

exec /opt/kde2/bin/startkde

# /etc/profile
# (c) MandrakeSoft, Chmouel Boudjnah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

# System wide environment and startup programs
# Functions and aliases go in /etc/bashrc
<snip>  ------- etc, etc, ------------- <snip> 
# Set PATH
if [ "$UID" = "0" ]; then
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q $HOME/bin || export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin 
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q $X11HOME/bin || export PATH=$PATH:$X11HOME/bin 
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q /usr/local/bin || export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q /usr/games || export PATH=$PATH:/usr/games
<snip>  ------- etc, etc, ------------- <snip>

# .bashrc
# Chmouel Boudjnah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

# User specific aliases and functions
<snip>  ------- etc, etc, ------------- <snip>

# Reapply environment lost somewhere between /usr/local/startkde1|2
# and kde actually running
if [[ "$QTDIR" == "/usr/lib/qt2" ]]; then source /opt/kde2/bin/kde2; fi
if [[ "$QTDIR" == "/usr/local/qt" ]]; then source /opt/kde2/bin/kde1; fi

On Tue, 06 Jun 2000, David
Faure wrote: > On Mon, Jun 05, 2000 at 12:03:25PM -0800, Civileme wrote:
> > KDE2 Rpms ar on contrib and seem to work tolerably well, but first one has to 
> > DL openssl,
> The sources support openssl _optionnally_ but of course with
> a binary package, there's no choice. It's either excluded or required.
> > Next item--I used David Faure's advice on kde1-and-kde2.html and all the user 
> Cool :)
> ... <snip>  ------- etc, etc, ------------- <snip>

On Sat, 10 Jun 2000, B. K. Barley  wrote:
> Ok,
>       I know I am using an older build of KDE2, but I'm having a problem getting
> it up and running.  I followed the instructions on getting kde2 and 1.X to
> work together and this is what happens:
>       I export all the directory paths and lib paths, execute kdm and it loads
> kdm from kde2.0.  It will load kde1, not kde 2 and the only selections in
> kdm is kde, failsafe, and default.
>       I then rebooted, did the path exports and loaded gdm.  KDE2 shows up in the
> options, but when I select it, it backs me out to gdm again.  I don't know
> what I'm doing wrong.  Could someone please post exact directions for
> Mandrake 7.1B?
> Bryan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matthew R. Sprague [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, June 10, 2000 3:11 AM
> Subject: Re: [Cooker] Re: [kde-alpha] kde2 -20000531
> On Fri, 09 Jun 2000, you wrote:
> > On Fri, 9 Jun 2000, Matthew R. Sprague wrote:
> >> What differences exist between your rpm's on
> > > and those in Mandrake
> > > cooker contributions? Are the rpm's on us.mandrake using /usr/lib/qt2 or
> > > /usr/lib/qt2.1.1? This is also an issue that needs to be addressed. Why
> > > is Mandrake using qt2 and Redhat qt2.1.1.? This is a classic example of
> > > the need for the LSB. This is a real pain in the ass from the end user
> > > standpoint.
> > As far as qt goes...... The current version in cooker is qt2.1.1
> > (qt2-2.1.1). I really am not sure waht you are talking about here. I
> > upgraded cooker to qt2-2.1.1 the day after it was available from the
> > trolls. I don't think anyone can ask much more.
> I wasn't very clear here in what I was trying to get across. The qt
> difference that I was talking about was where RH and Mandrake are putting
> the
> qt2 files
>       RH --->/usr/lib/qt2.1.1
>       Mandrake---->/usr/lib/qt2
> Maybe I'm over reacting but from the end user point of veiw this is a pain
> in
> the butt. Does this not cause a problem if a someone using Mandrake decides
> to grab binary RPM's made by bero for RH and install them? This is was I
> meant by a good example of the pressing need for a linux standard base.
> Mandrake claims 99.5(?)% compatability with RH but right now as it stands
> won't this lead to potential conflicts?. This is not KDE's fault directly,
> but  you might want to suggest that Mandrake and RH agree on a common
> library
> directory. It is a tiny difference but it is the kind of thing that can
> leave
> a sour taste in the mouths of new users. The other option is that there is
> no
> problem and I'm pulling my hair out over something that has a solution
> allready built in to Mandrake.
> If I'm correct in the directory naming conflict then isn't  the following a
> problem?
>  #!/bin/sh
>  export KDEDIR=/opt/kde2
>  export QTDIR=/usr/lib/qt-2.1.1 (does this  need to be changed to
> /usr/lib/qt2 for a Mandrake distribution?)
>  export PATH=$KDEDIR/bin:$PATH
>  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$KDEDIR/lib:$QTDIR/lib
> I am still confused as to why your RPM's won't uninstall. I think this is a
> Mandrake specific problem as other packages (ie pine)are also not
> uninstalling. rpm -e  foo.rpm  = not installed, rpm -qa | grep foo = bingo
> installed??? Chris, is this a problem with your RPM's or is this a Mandrake
> problem? I am cross posting this to the Mandrake cooker list and KDE-alpha
> list as parts of this thread pertain to each team. Is this OK to do or would
> the developers prefer that I not cross post?
> On a more upbeat note... I got the 0608 builds installed and I am very
> impressed with the quality, look and feel of KDE2. You got me hooked as a
> die
> hard fan of KDE. Keep up the good work.

 Peter Ruskin          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Wrexham, UK          KDE - the professionals' choice

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